by Dan Hunter | Jun 22, 2017 | You Can Only Imagine
He died before the wheel was invented, before writing was invented and before the first pyramids were built. Yet, we know what he ate for his last meal and what he wore on the day he died. He is known as Ötzi (rhymes with Yahtzee) the Iceman, a 5,300 year old mummy...
by Dan Hunter | Jun 22, 2017 | You Can Only Imagine
“I’m about as creative as a caged hamster.” – My friend who thinks he’s not creative. How creative is a caged hamster? We won’t know until the hamster lets himself out of the cage to find out. (Comparing yourself to a caged hamster, however, is quite...
by Dan Hunter | Jun 16, 2017 | You Can Only Imagine
Do we generate ideas through sweat and toil; or, do mystical angels sweetly blow ideas into us? It’s the difference between inspiration and perspiration. Both words come from the Latin word for breathing: Inspiration meant breathing into; while perspiration was...
by Dan Hunter | Jun 16, 2017 | You Can Only Imagine
Human beings have always dreamed of following birds into the air, achieving the grace of effortless gliding. History is littered with stories of men fashioning wings, then diving from a hill or tower and usually plunging to their deaths. A soaring bird still...