by Dan Hunter | Feb 21, 2018 | You Can Only Imagine
Creativity is the recognition of an idea with potential for success. Of course, many ideas never show potential. They flow in and out of our minds like a swirl of butterflies—never landing and never fully capturing our imagination. It may be simply a moment’s...
by Dan Hunter | Feb 21, 2018 | You Can Only Imagine
“Pray favor us with your narrative,” the man said. Unless I am very much mistaken, that is the singular voice of the “sleuth-hound, the relentless, keen-witted, ready-handed” Sherlock Holmes, whose methods seem like mental sleight of hand. But, unveiling his methods...
by Dan Hunter | Feb 6, 2018 | You Can Only Imagine
Whenever I walked into his Des Moines store, Bill Reichardt, haberdasher, state senator and college football star, would ask “How’s everything in Dan’s world?” A perplexing question. I never lived in an exclusive Dan domain or ever thought that my wellbeing...
by Dan Hunter | Feb 6, 2018 | You Can Only Imagine
Do you need to learn how to see? An absurd question? Anecdotal and confessional evidence suggest that many men cannot see anything in the refrigerator. Or, in their own closets. However, women have their blind spots, too. Human evolution has given us vision that is...